Discover your soul design via beautifully crafted hypnotherapy journeys. Experience past lives, moments of love and passion, deep healing and incredible insight about your purpose and your soul's mission and deeper desires. 

Your life has all the possibility and opportunity for you to manifest your deepest desires. Most people don't even know how much magic is waiting! 

This process, developed by Haile Michaelson includes specific modules and beautiful guided hypnotherapy journeys, completed at home at your own pace, supported by live sessions, private sessions and text support. 

Your entire experience of life, love and innate wisdom is about to change forever. Start the journey today!


Subscribe below for free meditations, updates and upcoming course offerings.


Find out a little more about this platform and the journeys

See The Offerings 🤍

Begin with Intuition

New clients begin with a free discovery call, so we can talk about your desires and customize your journey.  Depending on where you are at, We will send you guided tracks and modules to develop your foundational intuition and prepare you for deeper journeys.

Start Here✨

Dive Deeper 

You can then go deeper into hypnotherapy journeys, advanced soul journeys and certification trainings. These includes Soul Design & Manifestation, Twin Flames & The Greatest Love, and Mystics (Psychic & Mediumship Training)

See The Courses

Private Mentoring

All personal journeys include private mentoring.(See our team here) This is the most powerful way to access the deeper levels of soul design, soul healing and love.

Your soul design hypnotherapist mentor will help you dissolve specific pain points, self-sabotage and blocks to your progress.

Book a Discovery Call

Waiting for You on the Other Side

Together we will:

✔️ Activate your intuition

✔️ Explore all the secrets within your soul around purpose, life path and love.

✔️ Find your clarity and direction

✔️ Move you past blocks, self sabotage and patterns that keep you stuck

✔️ Connect you with your guides

✔️ Create true inner peace, higher level alignment and ease

✔️ Teach you how to manifest your dreams and desires from soul-level vibrational mastery

✔️ Develop your psychic abilities and mediumship for your own inner knowingness or to help others!

Start with a Free Discovery Call ✨