Experience a Beautiful 28 Day Journey of Daily Meditations

Designed to help ignite your intuition, these tracks have music and binaural beats, so headphones are required.  

All The Tools you need to Ignite Intuition, Learn to Meditate, and Listen to your Soul

Wise Ones includes the 28 day series, and comes with a powerful 10 module course to teach you powerful steps to create your intuitive foundation.  This is the prerequisite for all courses and private work with me 💙

Self-Hypnosis & Deeper Guided Journeys

Once you have travelled through the 28 day series, you can go deeper with Advanced Hypnotherapy Tracks and full journeys.  Each one will take you on a different adventure into the subconscious oasis and soul spaces. See Journeys & Trainings for more information.  

Access the entire compilation of advanced tracks here.