Soul Design Manifestation

A Powerful Guided Hypnotherapy Journey

Discover your soul's true purpose, desires and key learnings.  Experience past lives healing, regressions to love, soul journeys to spirit guides and learn true vibrational activation to create all your dreams.

With your own private mentor, you will learn to create all of your dreams and desires via subconscious reprogramming. Meet your spirit guides and council, travel to past lives & spaces between lives, heal your energy structure and create your dreams and desires. 

Begin your Soul Design Journey

The Vibrational Difference

This course is an advanced journey, created by Haile Michaelson a powerful intuitive medium & mentor, and retired naturopathic doctor.  She is a pioneer in the body-soul interface and teaches a deep and leading-edge approach to embodied connection to soul and intuition.

Soul Design and Manifestation was created after years of hypnotherapy sessions, taking clients into the spaces of past lives and between lives. When clients access their own wise beings, soul mates and guides, there are always beautiful insights around their sou'ls purpose  Purpose is not only what souls are here to DO, but also what they are here to experience, practice, heal, etc.  

This journey is designed to take you deep diving into soul spaces to access all the beautiful insights, rejuvenate and activate your soul's vibration, and then manifest all of your dreams and desires.  Exploring soul healing and soul desires tends to be very personal and deeply private journey so every client is matched with a mentor for their journey. Our mentors are trained to the highest levels in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Soul Journey Certification, Mystics and Twin Flames Greatest Love Certifications. During your call with Haile, you will be matched to a mentor💙 


All too often people 'try' to manifest what they think they want, but the vibration does not match and the efforts fail.  This is because the entire effort isn't coming from a deeper fully aligned intention and vibration from soul level.  It usually is coming from mental mind 'thinking' that is what they want. 

This is different from anything you have experienced. It will change everything!

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Discover all the secrets within your soul.  Manifest your dreams from a whole new level.

Begin when you are ready 🤍

Your Soul Journey

You will be guided through a structured, and step-by-step method to access all the deep dream journeys, insights around your life path, true purpose and deeper desires. Each step has homework, meditations and aspects for you to process.The manual will describe the homework needed and the guided tracks associated. 

From your Teacher, Haile Michaelson 💙

These lessons have been crafted over 20 years of experiences and learnings (and a relentless devotion to soul!) I have spent time in 30 day long meditation retreats, and have taken countless trainings in psychology, medicine, psychic development, mediumship, mindset coaching, hypnotherapy and subconscious mind, and healing modalities. 

I have taken hundreds of clients to their origin soul spaces to meet their council, guides, soul group, and understand their purpose, their biggest desires, and to manifest from vibrational activation rather than 'hoping and trying' :)

Your soul holds so many incredible insights and secrets! Take this journey with us  ✨


Jump In ✨

Your Journey will:

✔️  Help you find your purpose

✔️  Teach you the highest level, most automatic and aligned way to manifest your dreams and desires

✔️  Heal karmic burdens blocking your freedom via past life healings

 ✔️  Dissolve any blocks to your ability to manifest

✔️  Show you how to connect with your soul's guides, council and soul group.

✔️  Reveal your soul's biggest desires - often unknown to conscious mind.

✔️  Magnetize the beautiful things your are looking for on deepest levels straight towards you.

Start when you are ready 🤍

Find your purpose. Create your dreams 🤍

If you have been wondering about your purpose and manifesting your dreams in the most powerful transcendent ways, this is for you. We believe if you feel called to journey here you will!  Begin whenever you are ready.

Start Here ✨


I recently participated in the Soul Design & Manifestation course/training with Haile. I must say, wow! I wasn’t sure what to expect, with only a little bit of understanding on what was to come. First of all, how amazing to reconnect with the meditation tracks that Soul Strong has created and secondly, it was soul nourishing to be in circle with Dr Haile and others.

When we got to the tracks about past lives and soul council, I started to have some profound experiences…seeing scenarios that gave me deep insight into myself, some of my patterns and also some of my trigger origins. Also to deeply remember that I am never alone in this life and that I’m on the right track regarding purpose and passion. These tracks and experiences created space for healing, understanding and compassion for self.

Working with Haile during these sessions, & multiple times now, has given me many insights to who I am, how I can show up in this world, and to deepen my (self )awareness around the work I do & alignment to soul. I feel that this work has changed my ability to trust my intuition further and that there’s more of a lightness to my being.

I would totally recommend any of Haile’s trainings or sessions, you’re worth the investment.


Karen Olson

Take the Journey