Wise Ones 

Learn a specific and powerful formula to ignite your intuition!  

Discover how it feels to know your own answers, find purpose and alignment, and create your dreams from a place of deep wisdom, ease and freedom. 

This is a this self-paced, 10 step journey with modules, videos, and powerful guided meditations with binaural beats to help you develop your intuition and know your soul.

Start Today


Each module has a PDF to enjoy, with concepts to open your mind, and prompt self-exploration and intuitive development. You will also find a video of Haile highlighting the importance of that step, as well as your guided meditations direction and inspiration💙

All The Steps you need to know your own answers, be your own Guru ➡️

Begin Here 🤍

I'm right here with you.

These lessons have been crafted over 20 years of experiences and learnings (and a relentless devotion to soul!) I have spent time in 30 day long meditation retreats, and have taken countless trainings in psychology, medicine, psychic development, mediumship, mindset coaching, hypnotherapy and subconscious mind, and healing modalities. 

Everyone can learn intuition, and this will take you from the beginnings straight into all the magic within you ✨


Your Inner Wisdom is Waiting

This journey is for you if you can relate to the following:

✔️  You wish you could trust your gut feelings

✔️  You feel a pull to resolve anxiety and find more peace within

✔️  You are tired of feeling stuck in cycles of anxiety, confusion or bad habits.

✔️  You would like to meditate more or learn to meditate

✔️  You are ready and motivated to heal and work with mindset, body's wisdom & intuition

✔️  You would like to be your own source of wisdom and know all your own answers!

Begin Now, Download the Workbook & Get the Guided Meditations.

Powerful Guided Meditations 

Enjoy a 28 day series of meditations to ignite intuition. Tracks have music and binaural beats to deepen your experience, so headphones are required.

Inspiring Teaching Modules (Video & PDF)

Cozy up in your cocoon space to read and dive into thought provoking concepts built in a specific series to walk you towards intuitive development. Journal prompts and step by step processes will help you ignite your deep wisdom.

Access The SoulPod Community  

Find your Soul Family on the inside!  Attend live guided hypnotherapy sessions with Haile, share stories of the intuitive learning journey, and meet like-minded souls.

This will change your life forever.

So much magic happens when we begin to listen to our gut feelings, our deep wisdom, our intuition. Eery single person can become super-intuitive. You will see changes in yourself and your life right away, as you travel this learning journey and listen to these guided meditations.  We can't wait to meet you! 
