
Psychic and Mediumship Training 


Learn to develop your psychic and mediumship abilities.  A powerful training format including 6 weeks of self-study and guided meditations to do at home, and 8 intensive weeks of live teachings sessions, guided hypnotherapy, homework and practice components.

Build on your intuitive foundation, into psychic skill, various types of readings, and learn how to do mediumship sessions.  

All new clients please begin with a Free Discovery Call ✨

Book a Free Discovery Call ✨

The Transformative Difference

This training is an advanced journey, created by Haile Michaelson a powerful intuitive medium & mentor, and retired naturopathic doctor.  She is a pioneer in the body-soul interface and teaches a deep and leading-edge approach to embodied connection to soul and intuition.

Psychic ability is a natural extension of our deep wisdom, also known as intuition, and mediumship is a beautiful practice of connecting to souls who have passed. These are all skills that can be taught with a step by step approach.
You will journey through mentored sessions, guided meditations, and complete homework and practice at home.
This advanced deep dive is transformative in nature - both for you as the developing psychic and for those you will work with!

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All the steps you need to learn psychic readings & powerful transformative mediumship

Begin Here 🤍

8 Teaching Sessions, Videos, Guided Hypnotherapy Journeys and Modules

Sessions are taught live, weekly, and groups are limited in size to facilitate specific and tailored support for each trainee. You will have access to the pre-requisite 'Wise Ones' (Learn Intuition) and need to complete this before the start date💙


Currently spots remain for April & May 2024 starts. Private Mentoring Only.

🔮 Private Mentoring spaces are limited so please reach out with any questions. 

Book a Free Call ✨

Your Teachers 

These lessons have been crafted over 20 years of experiences and learnings (and a relentless devotion to soul!) I have spent time in 30 day long meditation retreats, and have taken countless trainings in psychology, medicine, psychic development, mediumship, mindset coaching, hypnotherapy and subconscious mind, and healing modalities. 

Everyone can learn intuition, and this will take you from the beginnings straight into all the magic within you ✨


Included in your Journey 🌙

✔️  Learn about psychic sensory skills and how to interpret your own system

✔️  Learn methods to do a reading on yourself, others and relationships

✔️  Receive hypnosis-based guided tracks to open your intuitive psychic and mediumship abilities

 ✔️  Open your third eye and sensory system through subconscious access

✔️  Learn how to connect to souls and guides in other realms

✔️  Learn how to make a connection for a client and structure a session

✔️  Learn how to set protective energetic boundaries and recognize the importance of light leadership

Register and Save your Spot

Learn how to do Powerful Readings 

This training is designed to help you learn to do psychic readings, mediumship connections, and integrate these skills into your work with others and your own life.  

Take it to know your own answers or take it to set up a platform to do readings, or both! 

Follow a Step-by-Step Structure

You will be taught how to ignite your core intuition first, then you can dive deeper into learning psychic skills psychic skills, & mediumship. This is a step-by step method created by Dr. Haile through 12 live classes, using hypnotherapy, meditations & home practice components. 

Private Sessions to help you through your blocks and accelerate your learning

You will meet with your teacher weekly for touchpoint sessions to review how the modules, guided hypnotherapy, practices and homework are going. Your mentor will help you with anywhere you are stuck, and help you go deeper.

Let your inner psychic come out to play 🤍

If you have been interested in learning to do readings and connecting with souls who have passed, this is for you! This is a gentle and supporting experience and so much magic is waiting for you! 

Let's Go!

Trixie Hennessey

Participating in the Mystic’s course provided a beautiful and sacred space in which to explore the dark side of my self-doubt, and find the courage to face the light of my authentic self. Now, I have the language to articulate everything I always knew. I now believe in myself so deeply that even my heart smiles : ) I savored every minute with my Mystics mentors, and recommend this course to anyone seeking inspired clarity both personally and professionally. I warmly suggest that everyone take a deep dive into the depths of their intuition, it is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. 



Trixie Hennessey MSW. RSW.

Therapist and Intuitive Coach. 

Lorraine Nylund

I help the family and friends of people struggling with addiction.  I always knew I needed something more, something to tie all the pieces together and go deeper into soul.  That something was Dr. Haile!.  She gave my courses, my business and me, personally, the foundation and the soul, to move forward and truly help my clients. I completed intuitive coaching training with her and mystics training to be able to access so much more for clients healing and clarity.  I LOVE being able to use oracle cards and add readings into my coaching work. My work with clients goes way deeper and is more powerful than ever. This is a wonderful program that everyone can benefit from.
Lorraine Nylund, Intuitive Coach, Addiction Specialist