Twin Flames & The Greatest Love

A Powerful Hypnotherapy Journey to Find Love


Imagine being able to remove heart blocks to finding love, learning to go deep into loving and being loved.

This hypnotherapy journey will take you to visiti the Greatest Love Oracle, who knows exactly how to help you on your path to finding love and experience what we call 'the greatest love'


Via hypnotherapy journeys, you will be guided through dissolving blocks to worth, deserving, and core beliefs surrounding love. You will journey to past lives to heal karmic burdens, and you will explore memories in other times of twin flames, and deep love.
Start Today

The Greatest Love

The 'Greatest Love' is what I call the kind of love that is bigger and more epic than you could imagine. It is a kind of love beyond twin flames with no negative karmic bonds. It is a dynamic of unconditional love, deep passion and truth.

This journey is a very specific process to help you begin your path to find your Greatest Love



Via subconscious access, you will:

• be guided through dissolving blocks to worth, deserving, and core beliefs surrounding love 

•journey to past lives to heal karmic burdens, and you will explore memories in other times of twin flames, and deep love.

• bring love memories from past lives to the surface, and ignite your ability to manifest love from soul's deeper desires and memories.


This journey is a chose-your-own-adventure story of deep love and you are the main character.  You will follow a learners journey and experience the teachings in the subconscious. 

Twin Flames & The Greatest Love was created after years of hypnotherapy sessions, taking clients into the spaces of past lives and between lives, seeing stories of love, and the powerful transformative ways love heals and transcends. This process is how I found my Greatest Love and have lived this journey first hand.

This will change your entire understanding of love, twin flames, passion and your soul's desires.


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Your Greatest Love Story is Waiting.

*Reminder, Level 1 Soul Design Journey is a prerequisite to The Greatest Love Journey.

Begin 🤍

Your Greatest Love Journey

This journey is deeply personal, and is most powerful with a practitioner helping to hold you through your healing and assist you with specific processes to move through blocks and access deeper levels of love. 

You will be guided through a structured, and step-by-step method to access all the soul journeys, insights around love and deeper desires. Each step has homework, meditations and aspects for you to process.The manual will describe the homework needed and the guided tracks associated. Your mentor will meet with you for sessions weekly, and will be matched to you during your call with Haile.

Based on a Love Story

I found my soulmate and Greatest Love via these exact steps, and this story was created by all the learnings and magic that we went through together. 💙

Trust me when I say that love is the most transcendent and transformative experience in LIFE. I was the type of healer who never felt it was part of my purpose. Until it was.

I can't wait to guide you through your own Greatest Love journey.

This Guided Journey will:

✔️  Help you to find love

✔️  Teach you how to heal deep subconscious blocks to love

✔️  Take you to past lives to explore memories of love.

✔️ Heal karmic dynamics holding you back from loving fully

 ✔️  Dissolve any fears surrounding being alone, lost, hurt or unloved.

✔️  Show you how to access past lives and memories of 'The Greatest Love'

✔️  Develop your ability to manifest love in present time.

✔️  Activate your ability to know your way and 'see' the path to love.

Start when you are ready ❤️

Optional Private Mentoring 🤍

For those who would like a more intimate and supported journey, we offer private mentoring with weekly sessions. 

Please begin with a phone call so we can go through options and dates.

Book a Call Here ✨

See a teaching session with Haile from a previous small group 



Julie McInnes

I completed both parts of this - Soul Design, and then The Greatest Love.  This journey completely changed my life. It started with a lot of going into these incredible hypnotherapy journeys to meet my guides, heal and explore past lives, and it seemed like the guided tracks kept getting better. I wanted to change some bad habits, resolve anxiety and a few past traumas, and find love.  The soul design journeys blew me away!  Going to the space of soul to visit your soul group and council is so incredible!  My heart exploded in so many ways.  And my life began to change!  Then, I did the Greatest Love Journey and the 8 steps with the story and the amazing guided tracks took me to past lives to explore love, and remove blocks.  I was so excited every week for the next chapter to release. And after the whole thing, I felt like my heart was open and I felt loveable for the first time in my life!  Then, 4 months later I met the love of my life. I am POSITIVE that this process opened my heat and made my soul magnetic to love.   I can't even explain how amazing this has been and Dr. Haile is pure magic.