Hi, I'm Haile!

Past Lives, Soul Design Hypnotherapist, & Medical Intuitive.


I currently offer remote private sessions internationally via zoom or phone for medical intuition, hypnotherapy and health coaching. 

I also mentor the soul design and twin flames journeys privately. 

Online booking for remote sessions can be found here.

If you are looking for in-person, hands on healing bodywork and microscopic live blood analysis (Currently in-person in Kelowna BC Canada @ Landmark Wellness) please click here.


More about me and my journey can be found here


Please reach out with any questions about medical intuition, private sessions, guided hypnotherapy journeys, my services & offerings.  

All New Clients Please Begin with a Free Discovery Session✨
International & Remote Clients Private Session Booking 💫
In-Person Hands-on Bodywork & Private Sessions (Kelowna BC)💛
Soul Design & Twin Flames Guided Hypnotherapy Journeys🦋
Mystics Training 🔮 (Psychic & Mediumship Development)
Online Booking, Let's Begin!🌟